Random thoughts

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Do we have 6 more years?

This is a rather scary theory.I was first told about it,several years ago,in karachi ,Pakistan,by a muslim para-psycologist.This theory has many proofs,scientific,and religious,both.Many cultures beleive(d) on it.It says that something collosal,will happen in Dec 2012.It will change everything in the world.I have been trying to find material about it.Here are some articles i found on this subject.
21.12.2012 Prophecy, End of the world by Daniel Srsa
It's the most comprehensive material on the Mayan (and other prophecies) end date Earth must undergo periodic gravitational adjustment every 1/4 of orbital precession (90 degree) or 1/5 of rotational precession (72 degree), which is precisely 5125.36-year Mayan period because precession is the gradual negation or reversal of time. Time is induced by orbital/rotation of Earth but an anti-time or its reaction are its gradual advances/regression (precession). Precession is thus an exponential (infinitely slower) time - it's the time of time or the gravitational framework in which all separate segments of time have their beginnings and ends (different frequencies in time spectra). Precession is the gravitational source of all relative space/time divisions through which Earth must pass in its cosmic evolution. The abovementioned site is an attempt to elucidate that truth and brings home the message of inevitability of collapse of present reality. It's an attempt to clarify that all differences between physical and subtle (spiritual) are relative, since spiritual is simply the invisible physical manifestation just as physical is the visible part of a larger spiritual spectrum. There is no shift in consciousness unless the physical limitations of the spirit are destroyed. Winter solstice 2012 will bring a tremendous shift in consciousness but such shift is not without a catalyst. The catalyst that will induce consciousness shift will be the physical destruction of Earth that no man can even try to imagine, yet one should not fear it but embrace it as an inescapable Divine Will, because this is what it is. Light disperses darkness, day replaces night and so does a Golden Age (Sat Yuga) replaces the worn-out Iron Age (Kal Yuga). It's been done repeatedly since the dawn of time and it will be done again on winter solstice 2012, regardless if we believe it or not. Mind deceives and confuses by generating an endless string of theories and opinions but soul knows better - it knows that possibilities are many but certainty can be only one - and end of this world on 21.12.2012 is as certain as is the existence of the universe. -------------------------------------The modern physics knows all too well that a period between two subsequent quantum states is ¼ orbital precession. It is as above, so below - all the time between two successive quantum states or between two successive incarnations of a massive body is ¼ orbital precession, which is a period of exactly 5200 years of 360 days each in context of the orbiting earth. Since rotational regression (precession of equinoxes) is 5/4-fractal succession following on heels of orbital precession (perihelion advance), one 26000-year creative cycle of earth consists of 5 different rotational incarnations or 5 different worlds (or suns). The cycle is repeatable in 4x5=20-folds units, well known to the students of the Maya, thus creating yet larger so-called Milankovich astronomical cycle underlying yet larger 104000-year creative cycle of earth (the regression of precession or the precession of precession). The Maya along with the entire ancient world knew quantum laws long before Dirac, De Broglie or Bohr. There is never anything new under the sun. The present rotational incarnation of earth expires with winter sun 2012. It is also the end of the present orbital incarnation unlike the past four events, because it is the end of a precessional cycle, which is also ¼ of a larger 104000-year cycle. Earth must change not only rotational frequency as in the past four events but also its orbital frequency in order to remain in coherent or justified state. The balance of forces must change in every cardinal point of the precessional wave (¼). You can argue about it just as you can argue with your PC, your TV, your phone, walls of your house or anything else that exists. It is madness to presume it any other way.
End of the world 21.12.2012 is an effect of the same cause that drives all your technology. Moreover, it is the effect of the same cause that lends all forms of reality their existence - the past, the present and the future. It is the effect of the same cause that creates the density of matter out of the vibrations of energy! It is the underlying essence of the world holding it all together through the electromagnetic and gravitational bonds. To doubt that the winter sun 2012 will spell anything else but the death of the present order of things is commensurate with doubting one's own existence. You know what kinds of forces are unleashed during the sequential quantum changes of an orbiting electron. Multiply it by a factor of double light speed as per Einstein's E=mC² formulations and you will have a good idea of what 21.12.2012 is all about. However, the force as any other particular form of reality is impersonal and which personal shade will such an outburst of energy attain is a matter of choice. The apocalypse for the unjust one is the flower of life for the just one.
Further reading http://www.endoftime2012.com/http://www.prophetsmanual.com/home/index.cfm?navID=1&itemID=1


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